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REVISA (Online) ; 13(1): 12-23, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531562


No ano de 1984, foi criada a primeira impressora do tipo 3-D pelo engenheiro de origem norte-americana, Dr. Charles Hull, sendo que, antes disso, mais especificamente a quatro (04) anos, o japonês Dr. Hideo Kodama, desenvolveu a técnica de estereolitografia, que consistia em uma prototipagem rápida, possuindo enquanto intuito, "criar" objetos usando para este intento, luz ultravioleta (UV), ou ainda, um projetor para endurecer uma resina do tipo líquida em plástico sólido e resistente, ficando posteriormente conhecida como a sigla SLA.1,2 Após dois (02) anos, em 1986, Hull patenteou a SLA e, com isso, ele teve a oportunidade de desenvolver a "3-D Systems Corp", presente até hoje, sendo está uma das maiores empresas do ramo e, desta forma, o primeiro objeto então escolhido pelo Dr. Hull para ser impresso, foi uma lâmpada feita com resina, um plástico sintético.

Printing, Three-Dimensional , Aged , Fractures, Bone
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1531282


Introducción: Las luxofracturas vertebrales toracolumbares se producen por traumatismos de alta energía, representan el 10% de las lesiones traumáticas de la columna vertebral y se asocian frecuentemente con otras lesiones. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar las complicaciones tempranas en pacientes con una luxofractura toracolumbar según la oportunidad quirúrgica, antes o después de las 24 h del trauma. Materiales y métodos: Estudio multicéntrico, analítico, observacional y retrospectivo de una cohorte de pacientes operados por una luxofractura toracolumbar, desde el 1 de enero de 2014 hasta el 1 de enero de 2023. Se inclu-yó a pacientes de ambos sexos, >18 años, operados por una luxofractura vertebral de alta energía. Se los agrupó según si habían sido operados de columna antes o después de las 24 h del trauma. Se registraron las complicaciones totales y agrupadas. Resultados: Se evaluó a 72 pacientes, 64 hombres (88,9%) y 8 mujeres (11,1%), con una edad promedio de 35.94 años. Predominaron las instituciones laborales (n = 60; 83,3%). El mecanismo de lesión más frecuente fueron los accidentes de tránsito (n = 42; 58,3%), seguidos de las caídas de altura (n = 26; 36,1%). El 86% sufrió una o más lesiones asociadas. Se registraron 283 complicaciones en 67 (93,1%) pacientes y 45 complicaciones quirúrgicas en 26 pacientes (36,1%). La mediana de complicaciones fue mayor en pacientes operados tardíamente (p = 0,004). Conclusiones:Los pacientes con luxofractura toracolumbar operados después de las primeras 24 h presentaron una mediana de complicaciones totales significativamente mayor que los operados precozmente. Nnivel de Evidencia: IV

Introduction: Thoracolumbar fracture-dislocations account for 10% of traumatic spinal injuries and typically occur in the context of high-energy trauma. Our objective is to compare early complications in patients with thoracolumbar fracture-dislocation based on surgical timing, either before or after 24 hours from the trauma.materials and methods: This is a multicenter, retrospective cohort study of patients surgically treated for thoracolumbar dislocations, from January 1, 2014 to January 1, 2023. We included adult patients (>18 years old) of any gender, surgically treated for high-energy thoracolumbar fracture-dislocations. Patients were grouped based on when they underwent spinal surgery: before or after 24 hours following trauma. Total and grouped complications were recorded. Results: Our sample comprised 72 patients, with 64 men (88.9%) and 8 women (11.1%) at an average age of 35.94 years. Occupational health care centers were predominant (n=60; 83.3%). Road traffic accidents (n=42; 58.3%) were the most frequent cause of injury, followed by falls from height (n=26; 36.1%). Furthermore, 86% of patients had one or more associated injuries. In total, 283 complications were recorded, with 67 patients (93.1%) suffering at least one complication, and 26 patients (36.1%) experiencing surgical complications. The median number of complications was significantly higher in late-operated patients (p=0.004). Conclusions: Patients with thoracolumbar dislocations who underwent surgery after the first 24 hours following trauma had a significantly higher median rate of complications than those who underwent early surgery. Level of Evidence: IV

Adult , Postoperative Complications , Spinal Injuries , Thoracic Vertebrae , Joint Dislocations , Fractures, Bone , Lumbar Vertebrae
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1531283


Objetivo: Presentar una serie de casos de pacientes con fracturas cervicales de tipo "masa lateral flotante" con énfasis en describir el rol de la lesión discal en la potencial inestabilidad segmentaria. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo de una serie de pacientes con fracturas facetarias de tipo "masa lateral flotante", aisladas, diagnosticadas entre el 1 de enero de 2016 y el 1 de enero de 2022. Se incluyeron pacientes con lesiones de tipo "masa lateral flotante" según la clasificación AO, diagnosticadas por tomografía computarizada y, al menos, 6 meses de seguimiento. Se excluyó a aquellos con fracturas patológicas, lesiones por fragilidad ósea y registros incompletos. Resultados: Se analizó a 16 pacientes (media de la edad 42.86; DE 12,396), con predominio del sexo masculino (81,25%). El 68,75% tenía una lesión del disco intervertebral en el segmento fracturado y el 18,75%, anterolistesis. A 11 pacientes se les propuso un tratamiento conservador durante 12 semanas. La fractura consolidó en el 45,4% y 6 (54,6%) evolucionaron con traslación. El fracaso del tratamiento conservador se asoció con lesión del disco intervertebral. Once pacientes fueron operados, en su mayoría, con artrodesis cervical anterior monosegmentaria. Conclusiones: En esta serie de casos, la presencia de una lesión asociada del disco intervertebral fue más frecuente cuando el tratamiento conservador fracasó y cuando se decidió una artrodesis como tratamiento inicial. La mayoría de las cirugías se realizaron por vía anterior con discectomía y artrodesis cervical anterior en un único nivel, y se lograron buenos resultados. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Introduction: We report a series of patients with "floating lateral mass" cervical fractures, focusing on the role of disc injury in potential segmental instability. materials and methods: We conducted a descriptive and retrospective study on a case series of isolated floating lateral mass facet fractures diagnosed between January 1, 2016 and January 1, 2022. Patients with floating lateral mass lesions according to the AO classification, diagnosed by computed tomography, and at least 6 months of follow-up were included. Patients with pathological fractures, bone fragility injuries and incomplete records were excluded. Results: We included 16 cases, the average age was 42.86 (SD 12.396), and the majority were male (n=13; 81.25%). 68.75% (n=11) had intervertebral disc injury in the fractured segment, while 18.75% (n=3) had anterolisthesis. Conservative treatment was proposed for 12 weeks in 11 patients (68.75%), of whom 5 (45.4%) achieved fracture healing and 6 (54.6%) progressed to translation. Cases where conservative treatment failed were associated with intervertebral disc injury. Eleven patients were treated surgically, mostly with monosegmental anterior cervical arthrodesis. Conclusions: We report a series of cases in which the existence of an associated intervertebral disc injury was more frequent in patients with failed conservative treatment and in those initially treated with arthrodesis. Most of the surgical cases were treated using an anterior approach with discectomy and anterior cervical arthrodesis at a single level, with favorable outcomes. Level of Evidence: IV

Adult , Spinal Injuries , Cervical Vertebrae , Fractures, Bone
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1552150


Objetivos: Comunicar los resultados funcionales y radiográficos en seis pacientes con fractura "en pico de pato" (beak fracture)y realizar una revisión de la bibliografía.materiales y métodos:Se evaluaron los resultados funcionales (escala de la AOFAS) y radiológicos en seis pacientes (3 hombres y 3 mujeres; edad promedio 35.6 años). El tiempo promedio transcurrido entre la lesión y el ingreso en el quirófano fue de 2.83 h. Se realizó la rama vertical del abordaje lateral extendido. Se fijó con tornillos canulados y macizos de 3,5; 4,0 o 4,5 mm solos o combinados con placas de 3,5 y 2,7 mm bloqueadas.Resultados:Después de un seguimiento de entre 8 y 24 meses, todos los pacientes tenían signos francos de consolidación. Al ingresar, todos presentaban signos de sufrimiento de partes blandas sin signos de necrosis. El puntaje de la escala de la AOFAS fue de 82,4 (5, buenos y 1, regular). Las complicaciones fueron: una infección profunda y pérdida de la reducción en el mismo paciente.Conclusiones:Las fracturas "en pico de pato" pueden generar complicaciones de partes blandas si no son tratadas de manera urgente, debido al compromiso inicial de partes blandas. La reducción abierta y la fijación con tornillos y placas es el sistema de fijación más estable. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Objectives: To present the functional and radiographic outcomes of six patients with beak fractures and to carry out a literature review. materials and methods: The functional (AOFAS Score) and radiological outcomes of six patients were evaluated. Three patients were male and three were female (mean age: 35.6 years). The mean time interval between injury and admission to the operating room was 2.83 hours. The extensile lateral approach was used. The fracture was fixed with 3.5, 4.0, or 4.5mm cannulated and solid screws alone or in combination with 3.5 and 2.7mm locking plates. Results: After a follow-up period of between 8 and 24 months, all the patients had clear signs of consolidation. On admission, all presented signs of soft tissue pain without signs of necrosis. The AOFAS score was 82.4 (5 good and 1 fair). The complications observed were a deep infection and loss of reduction in the same patient. Conclusions: Beak fractures can generate soft tissue complications if they are not treated urgently due to initial soft tissue involvement. Open reduction and fixation with screws and plates is the most stable fixation system. Level of Evidence: IV

Adult , Calcaneus/injuries , Foot Injuries , Fractures, Bone
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1552153


Introducción: La fractura de Maisonneuve es una lesión caracterizada por la fractura subcapital del peroné asociada a una lesión capsuloligamentaria de tobillo. Su tratamiento supone la restauración de la anatomía ósea y capsuloligamentaria normal para restablecer las fuerzas de contacto tibioastragalinas fisiológicas. Esta calidad de reducción puede ser difícil de alcanzar, sobre todo, con técnicas percutáneas. Objetivo: Evaluar mediante imágenes la calidad de la reducción de fracturas de Maisonneuve reducidas en forma cerrada (bajo visualización directa artroscópica) y fijadas por vía percutánea. Materiales y Métodos: Se analizaron radiografías e imágenes de tomografía computarizada preoperatorias y posoperatorias, comparativas de los tobillos operado y sano. Resultados: Se evaluaron 13 fracturas. Los parámetros radiográficos posoperatorios (espacio claro medial, solapamiento tibioperoneo distal, espacio claro tibioperoneo) no registraron diferencias, excepto por el intervalo tibioperoneo anterior que aumentó en un caso. La medición tomográfica posoperatoria del solapamiento tibioperoneo distal y el intervalo tibioperoneo anterior reveló que todas las reducciones eran satisfactorias. Dos pacientes tenían valores alterados en la sindesmosis tibioperonea distal con diferencia >2 mm respecto del tobillo sano. Conclusión: Recomendamos la asistencia artroscópica para el manejo de la fractura de Maisonneuve como herramienta de control intraoperatorio para una fijación percutánea más segura. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Introduction: Maisonneuve fracture (MF) is an injury characterized by the subcapital fracture of the fibula associated with a capsuloligamentous injury of the ankle. Treatment involves the restoration of normal bone and capsuloligamentous anatomy in order to reestablish physiological tibiotalar contact forces. This quality of reduction can be difficult to achieve, especially with percutaneous techniques. Objective: To evaluate the quality of reduction in Maisonneuve fractures reduced in a closed manner (under direct arthroscopic visualization) and fixed percutaneously. Materials and Methods: We analyzed comparative preoperative and postoperative radiographs and CT scans of the operated and healthy ankles. Results: 13 fractures were evaluated. Radiographic parameters of postoperative procedures (medial clear space, distal tibiofibular overlap, tibiofibular clear space) did not register differences except for the anterior tibiofibular space, which had increased in 1 case. Postoperative tomographic measurements of tibiofibular clear space and anterior tibiofibular space showed 100% satisfactory reductions. Two patients presented altered distal tibiofibular overlap values with a difference greater than 2 mm compared to the healthy ankle. Conclusion: We recommend arthroscopy for the management of MF as an intraoperative control tool for safer percutaneous fixation. Level of Evidence: IV

Adult , Arthroscopy/methods , Treatment Outcome , Ankle Injuries , Fractures, Bone , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Ankle Joint
Odontol. vital ; (39): 27-39, jul.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550585


RESUMEN Introducción: Los tratamientos para fracturas de órbita se basan en la corrección del defecto de las lesiones orbitarias de tipo blow in y blow out (o de estallido), mediante diversas placas y mallas biocompatibles con el organismo, dándose una cicatrización de primera generación evitando un callo óseo y una fijación más rígida. Para el diagnóstico de este tipo de lesiones tenemos inflamación periorbitaria, enoftalmos, diplopía, equimosis, hemorragia subconjuntival. Existen diversos materiales reconstructivos siendo estos compuestos por distintas materias primas, como son los aloplásticos y autógenos; donde encontramos varios tipos como placas de titanio y las placas reabsorbibles siendo estas las más comunes y usadas actualmente, por su bajo estímulo a reabsorciones óseas y evitando efectos secundarios a largo plazo. Estas placas presentan diversos grados de ductilidad y resistencia. Se informó sobre varias complicaciones según el tipo de placas como es la cicatrización, las cirugías postquirúrgicas en caso de placas de titanio, etc. El objetivo de esta revisión es la evaluación de la eficacia las placas reabsorbibles versus placas de titanio en fracturas de órbita. Materiales y métodos: La investigación es de carácter documental, descriptivo y no experimental. En el cual se emplea una metodología de identificación e inclusión de artículos científicos tipo prisma. Resultados y conclusiones: Se verificaron las ventajas y desventajas tanto de las placas reabsorbibles como las de titanio siendo estas similares en la biocompatibilidad con el organismo humano, así como también varias diferencias como el soporte, fuerzas, resistencia de estas, concluyendo que es debatible el material ideal para tratar fracturas de órbita. Se seleccionaron artículos tomando en cuenta el título y objetivos; considerando estudios comparativos, revisiones sistemáticas, revisiones de literatura, los cuales comprendían criterios con respecto a fracturas de órbita y tratamientos quirúrgicos. La búsqueda arrojó 55 artículos en PubMed, 65 en Google, 4 en Scielo y 29 en Science direct, de los cuales se excluyeron libros, monografías, estudios experimentales, dando como resultado 21 artículos para el desarrollo de esta revisión bibliográfica. Y que fueron leídos y analizados en su totalidad, estudiando los objetivos, metodología y conclusión de cada uno de ellos para la posterior comparación.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Treatments for orbit fractures are based on the correction of the defect of blow in and blow out orbital injuries, by means of various plates and meshes biocompatible with the organism, giving a first-generation healing avoiding a bony callus and a more rigid fixation. For the diagnosis of this type of lesions we have periorbital inflammation, enophthalmos, diplopia, ecchymosis, subconjunctival hemorrhage. There are several reconstructive materials being these composed of different raw materials, such as alloplastic and autogenous, where we find several types such as titanium plates and resorbable plates being these the most common and currently used, for its low stimulus to bone resorption and avoiding long-term side effects. These plates have different degrees of ductility and resistance. Several complications have been reported depending on the type of plates, such as scarring, post-surgical surgeries in the case of titanium plates, etc. The objective of this review is to evaluate the efficacy of resorbable versus titanium plates in orbital fractures. Materials and methods: This research are a documentary, descriptive and non-experimental nature. A prism-type methodology of identification and inclusion of scientific articles was used. Results and conclusions: The advantages and disadvantages of both resorbable and titanium plates were verified, being these similar in biocompatibility with the human organism, as well as several differences such as support, forces, resistance of the same, concluding that it is debatable. The ideal material to treat orbital fractures. Articles were selected considering the title and objectives; considering comparative studies, systematic reviews, literature reviews, which included criteria regarding orbital fractures and surgical treatments. The search yielded 55 articles in PubMed, 65 in Google, 4 in Scielo and 29 in Science direct, from which books, monographs, experimental studies were excluded, resulting in 21 articles for the development of this bibliographic review. The 21 articles were read and analyzed in their entirety, studying the objectives, methodology and conclusion of each one of them for subsequent comparison.

Humans , Orbit/injuries , Bone Plates , Titanium , Biocompatible Materials/therapeutic use , Fractures, Bone/surgery
Rev. Ciênc. Saúde ; 13(3): 56-65, 20230921.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511070


Objetivo: sintetizar as principais evidências acerca das alterações osteometabólicas presentes nos pacientes em tratamento antineoplásico. Métodos: trata-se de uma revisão de escopo, seguindo a metodologia do Instituto Joanna Briggs, nas bases de dados PubMed/MedLine, Cochrane Library, LILACS, The British Library e Google Scholar. A revisão está protocolada no Open Science Framework. Resultados: muitos antineoplásicos possuem efeito na arquitetura óssea, reduzindo sua densidade, tais como moduladores seletivos de receptores de estrogênio, inibidores da aromatase, terapia de privação androgênica, e glicocorticoides. Para evitar tais desfechos, o tratamento e prevenção podem ser realizados pela suplementação de cálcio e vitamina D, exercícios físicos, uso de bifosfonatos, denosumab, e moduladores seletivos do receptor de estrogênio. Conclusão: pessoas com maior risco de desenvolver câncer também possuem maior risco de osteopenia e osteoporose, quando processo já estabelecido e em tratamento antineoplásico, devido ao compartilhamento de fatores de risco. Torna-se evidente a necessidade da densitometria óssea nos pacientes em tratamento contra o câncer para de prevenção e promoção de saúde óssea nesses pacientes, além de mais pesquisas com alto nivel de evidência para subsidiar tal uso.

Objective: To summarize the main evidence regarding osteometabolic changes in patients undergoing antineoplastic treatment. Methods: This is a scoping review, following the methodology of the Joanna Briggs Institute, using PubMed/MedLine, Cochrane Library, LILACS, The British Library, and Google Scholar. This review is registered in the Open Science Framework. Results: Many antineoplastics affect bone architecture by reducing its density, such as selective estrogen receptor modulators, aromatase inhibitors, androgen deprivation therapy, and glucocorticoids. To avoid such outcomes, treatment and prevention can be achieved by calcium and vitamin D supplementation, physical exercise, use of bisphosphonates, denosumab, and selective estrogen receptor modulators. Conclusion: people at a higher risk of developing cancer also have a higher risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis when the process is already established and undergoing antineoplastic treatment because of the grouping of risk factors. The need for bone densitometry in patients undergoing cancer treatment to prevent and promote bone health in these patients is evident, in addition to more research with a high level of evidence to support such use.

Humans , Bone Diseases, Metabolic , Primary Prevention , Vitamin D Deficiency , Exercise , Receptors, Estrogen , Calcium , Fractures, Bone
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441499


Introducción: Los traumatismos constituyen causa frecuente de consulta. Entre sus localizaciones más comunes se encuentran las extremidades inferiores. El Heberprot-P® resulta un factor de crecimiento epidérmico que se ha utilizado durante más de una década para la cicatrización de las úlceras del pie diabético con excelentes resultados. Ampliar su utilización a otras patologías, incluso de etiología traumática, permitiría expandir las posibilidades terapéuticas para la cicatrización de las heridas. Objetivo: Exponer el resultado de la aplicación del Heberprot-P® en una amputación transtarsiana en un paciente portador de un trauma vascular distal. Presentación del caso: Paciente masculino de 23 años con antecedentes de salud. Luego de traumatismo por accidente de tránsito presentó fractura de huesos del metatarso y la sección total de la arteria pedia del pie izquierdo, lo cual provocó una gangrena húmeda de la extremidad. Por este motivo se realizó una amputación transtarsiana del pie. Se usó el Heberprot-P® como terapia para acortar el tiempo de cicatrización. Conclusiones: El Heberprot-P® resultó útil para la evolución de la herida como consecuencia de un trauma vascular, al evitar una amputación mayor, acelerar el proceso de cicatrización y conservar una extremidad funcional, lo que demostró que puede constituir una terapia eficaz para las heridas de difícil cicatrización, independientemente de su etiología(AU)

Introduction: Trauma is a frequent cause of consultation. Among its most common locations are the lower extremities. Heberprot-P® is an epidermal growth factor that has been used for more than a decade for the healing of diabetic foot ulcers with excellent results. Extending its use to other pathologies, including traumatic etiology ones, would expand the therapeutic possibilities for wound healing. Objective: To present the result of the application of Heberprot-P® in a Chopart´s amputation in a patient with distal vascular trauma. Case presentation: A 23-year-old male patient with a health history. After trauma from a traffic accident, he presented a fracture of the bones of the metatarsus and the whole section of the left foot´s pedis artery, which caused a wet gangrene of the extremity. For this reason, a Chopart´s amputation of the foot was performed. Heberprot-P® was used as therapy to shorten healing time. Conclusions: Heberprot-P® was useful for wound evolution as a result of vascular trauma, avoiding major amputation, accelerating the healing process and preserving a functional limb, which showed that it can be an effective therapy for wounds that are difficult to heal, regardless of their etiology(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Accidents, Traffic , Fractures, Bone , Amputation, Surgical/methods
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(2): 191-198, Mar.-Apr. 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449794


Abstract Historically, surgeries on the immature skeleton were reserved for open or articular fractures. In recent years, the improvement in the quality and safety of anesthesia, new imaging equipment, implants designed especially for pediatric fractures, associated with the possibility of shorter hospitalization time and rapid return to social life has demonstrated a new tendency to evaluate and treat fractures in children. The purpose of this update article is to answer the following questions: (1) Are we really turning more surgical in addressing fractures in children? (2) If this is true, is this surgical conduct based on scientific evidence? In fact, in recent decades, the medical literature demonstrates articles that support better evolution of fractures in children with surgical treatment. In the upper limbs, this is very evident in the systematization of the reduction and percutaneous fixation of supracondylar fractures of the humerus and fractures of the forearm bones. In the lower limbs, the same occurs with diaphyseal fractures of the femur and tibia. However, there are gaps in the literature. The available published studies show low scientific evidence. Thus, it can be inferred that, even though the surgical approach is more present, the treatment of pediatric fractures should always be individualized and conducted according to the knowledge and experience of the professional physician, taking into account the presence of technological resources available for the care of the small patient. All possibilities, non-surgical and/or surgical, should be included, always instituting actions based on science and in agreement with the family's wishes.

Resumo Historicamente, as cirurgias no esqueleto imaturo eram reservadas às fraturas expostas ou articulares. Nos últimos anos, a melhora na qualidade e segurança das anestesias, novos equipamentos de imagem, implantes desenhados especialmente para fraturas pediátricas, associados à possibilidade de menor tempo de hospitalização e rápido retorno ao convívio social vêm demonstrando uma nova tendência de avaliar e tratar fraturas na criança. O objetivo deste artigo de atualização é responder às seguintes questões: (1) estamos realmente ficando mais cirúrgicos na abordagem das fraturas em crianças? (2) Caso isto seja verdadeiro, esta conduta cirúrgica está baseada em evidências científicas? De fato, nas últimas décadas, a literatura médica demonstra artigos que suportam melhor evolução das fraturas na criança com o tratamento cirúrgico. Nos membros superiores, isto fica muito evidente na sistematização da redução e fixação percutânea das fraturas supracondilianas do úmero e das fraturas de ossos do antebraço. Nos membros inferiores, o mesmo ocorre com fraturas diafisárias do fêmur e tíbia. No entanto, há lacunas na literatura. Os estudos publicados são geralmente com baixa evidência científica. Assim, pode-se deduzir que, mesmo sendo a abordagem cirúrgica mais presente, o tratamento de fraturas pediátricas deve ser sempre individualizado e conduzido de acordo com o conhecimento e experiência do médico profissional, levando em conta a presença de recursos tecnológicos disponíveis para o atendimento do pequeno paciente. Deve-se incluir todas as possibilidades, não cirúrgicas e/ou cirúrgicas, sempre instituindo ações baseadas na ciência e em concordância com os anseios da família.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Fractures, Bone , Salter-Harris Fractures , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Growth Plate/surgery
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(2): 231-239, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449788


Abstract Objective This study assessed differences between fully- and partially-threaded screws in the initial interfragmentary compression strength. Our hypothesis was that there would be an increased loss in initial compression strength with the partially-threaded screw. Methods A 45-degree oblique fracture line was created in artificial bone samples. The first group (FULL, n = 6) was fixed using a 3.5-mm fully-threaded lag screw, while the second group (PARTIAL, n = 6) used a 3.5-mm partially-threaded lag screw. Torsional stiffness for both rotational directions were evaluated. The groups were compared based on biomechanical parameters: angle-moment-stiffness, time-moment-stiffness, maximal torsional moment (failure load), and calibrated compression force based on pressure sensor measurement. Results After loss of one PARTIAL sample, no statistically significant differences in calibrated compression force measurement were observed between both groups: [median (interquartile range)] FULL: 112.6 (10.5) N versus PARTIAL: 106.9 (7.1) N, Mann-Whitney U-test: p = 0.8). In addition, after exclusion of 3 samples for mechanical testing (FULL n = 5, PARTIAL n = 4), no statistically significant differences were observed between FULL and PARTIAL constructs in angle-moment-stiffness, time-moment-stiffness, nor maximum torsional moment (failure load). Conclusion There is no apparent difference in the initial compression strength (compression force or construct stiffness or failure load) achieved using either fully-or partially-threaded screws in this biomechanical model in high-density artificial bone. Fully-threaded screws could, therefore, be more useful in diaphyseal fracture treatment. Further research on the impact in softer osteoporotic, or metaphyseal bone models, and to evaluate the clinical significance is required.

Resumo Objetivo Este estudo avaliou diferenças entre parafusos com rosca total ou parcial na resistência à compressão interfragmentar inicial. Nossa hipótese era de que haveria maior perda de resistência à compressão inicial com o parafuso de rosca parcial. Métodos Uma linha de fratura oblíqua de 45 graus foi criada em amostras de osso artificial. O primeiro grupo (TOTAL, n = 6) foi fixado com um parafuso de 3,5 mm de rosca total, enquanto o segundo grupo (PARCIAL, n = 6) usou um parafuso de 3,5 mm de rosca parcial. Avaliamos a rigidez à torção em ambas as direções de rotação. Os grupos foram comparados com base nos seguintes parâmetros biomecânicos: momento de rigidez-ângulo, momento de rigidez-tempo, momento de torção máxima (carga de falha) e força de compressão calibrada com base na medida do sensor de pressão. Resultados Depois da perda de uma amostra PARCIAL, não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas na força de compressão calibrada entre os 2 grupos [mediana (intervalo interquartil)]: TOTAL: 112,6 (10,5) N e PARCIAL: 106,9 (7,1) N, com p = 0,8 segundo o teste U de Mann-Whitney). Além disso, após a exclusão de 3 amostras para testes mecânicos (TOTAL, n = 5, PARCIAL, n = 4), não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os construtos TOTAL e PARCIAL quanto ao momento de rigidez-ângulo, momento de rigidez-tempo ou momento de torção máxima (carga de falha). Conclusão Não há diferença aparente na força de compressão inicial (força de compressão ou rigidez do construto ou carga de falha) com o uso de parafusos de rosca total ou parcial neste modelo biomecânico em osso artificial de alta densidade. Parafusos de rosca total podem, portanto, ser mais úteis no tratamento de fraturas diafisárias. Mais pesquisas são necessárias sobre o impacto em modelos ósseos osteoporóticos ou metafisários de menor densidade e avaliação do significado clínico.

Humans , Biomechanical Phenomena , Bone Cements , Bone Screws , Fractures, Bone/surgery
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1415754


Objetivo: Analizar las características demográficas de los pacientes con fracturas articulares de calcáneo en relación con el mecanismo del trauma y los patrones fracturarios según las clasificaciones de Sanders y Essex-Lopresti. materiales y métodos: Se evaluó retrospectivamente a 94 pacientes (111 fracturas articulares de calcáneo). Se analizaron las siguientes variables: edad, sexo, lado fracturado, mecanismo del trauma y lesiones asociadas. Al ingresar, se tomaron radiografías de pie, de frente y perfil, y se realizó una tomografía computarizada con reconstrucción multiplanar. Se analizaron los datos demográficos combinándolos con los tipos de fracturas. Resultados: Se evaluó a 94 pacientes (78 hombres y 16 mujeres) que tenían 105 fracturas intrarticulares de calcáneo (11,7% bilaterales). La edad promedio era de 40.1 ± 12.5 años. El 79,8% de las fracturas se había producido por caída de altura y el 20,1%, por accidente de tránsito. El 9,5% tenía lesiones asociadas. Los pacientes con fracturas bilaterales tenían más lesiones asociadas (p = 0,0123) y el mismo patrón fracturario y tipo de Sanders en ambos pies. No hubo relación entre la clasificación de Sanders y los patrones de Essex-Lopresti con la edad, el sexo y el mecanismo del trauma. Conclusiones: Las fracturas de calcáneo son más frecuentes en hombres y en pacientes jóvenes, y el mecanismo del trauma más común es una caída de altura. Los pacientes con fracturas bilaterales tienen una tasa más alta de lesiones asociadas y el mismo tipo de fractura según la clasificación de Sanders y el patrón fracturario de Essex-Lopresti en ambos pies. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Objective: To analyze the demographic characteristics of patients with articular calcaneal fractures in connection with trauma mechanisms and fracture patterns, according to the Sanders and Essex-Lopresti classifications. materials and methods: 94 patients and 111 articular calcaneal fractures were evaluated retrospectively, analyzing the following variables: age, gender, fractured side, mechanism of trauma, and associated injuries. The patients were initially evaluated through foot radiographs (anteroposterior and lateral) and axial computerized tomography with multiplanar reconstruction. Demographic data were analyzed combined with the types of fracture. Results: 94 patients (78 men and 16 women) who presented 105 intra-articular calcaneal fractures (11.7% were bilateral) were evaluated. The average age was 40.1±12.5 years. 9.8% of the fractures were caused by high-level falls and 20.1% by traffic accidents. 9.5% had associated injuries. The patients with bilateral fractures presented more associated injuries (p = 0.0123) and the same fracture pattern and Sanders type in both feet. The Sanders classification and Essex Lopresti patterns were unrelated to age, gender, and trauma mechanism. Conclusion: Calcaneal fractures are more frequent in male and young patients, and the most common trauma mechanism is a high-level fall. Patients with bilateral fractures present a higher rate of associated injuries and the same Sanders type fracture and Essex-Lopresti pattern in both feet. Level of Evidence: IV

Adult , Calcaneus/injuries , Demography , Fractures, Bone , Foot
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1415755


Objetivo: Describir los resultados radiográficos y funcionales, y las complicaciones de la osteosíntesis de fracturas de calcáneo mediante el abordaje del seno del tarso. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluaron 54 fracturas articulares de calcáneo desplazadas en 50 pacientes con radiografías de pie, de frente y de perfil, y tomografía computarizada preoperatorias. Se tomaron radiografías de pie, de frente y de perfil sin carga en el posoperatorio inmediato y con carga a las semanas 6 y 12, y al final del seguimiento. Se midió el ángulo de Böhler y se cuantificó el grado de artrosis subastragalina y calcaneocuboidea. Se determinó el puntaje de la AOFAS y se registraron las complicaciones de la herida, las lesiones neurológicas y la necesidad de cirugías adicionales, como retiro del material de osteosíntesis y artrodesis subastragalina. Resultados: El seguimiento fue de 30.8 meses. La serie estaba formada por 8 mujeres y 42 hombres, con una edad de 39.40 ± 14 años (rango 18-65). Cuarenta fracturas eran Sanders tipo II, 13 tipo III y 1 tipo IV. El puntaje de la AOFAS fue: excelente (12 casos), bueno (25 casos), regular (12 casos) y malo (5 casos). El ángulo de Böhler preoperatorio era de 10,8 ± 10,4° y 30,77 ± 8,24° al final del seguimiento (p <0,00001). El 3,7% tuvo complicaciones menores de la herida y el 5,6%, complicaciones mayores. Conclusión: El abordaje del seno del tarso permite una reducción aceptable con resultados buenos y excelentes en la mayoría de los pacientes y escasas complicaciones de partes blandas. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Objective: To describe functional and radiographic outcomes, and complications of osteosynthesis in calcaneus fractures with the sinus tarsi approach. Materials and Methods: 54 displaced articular calcaneus fractures in 50 patients were assessed through preoperative foot radiographs (anteroposterior and lateral) and computerized tomography. AP and lateral radiographs were obtained in the immediate postoperative period (without weightbearing), after 6 and 12 weeks (with weightbearing), and at the end of follow-up, measuring the Böhler angle and quantifying the degree of subtalar and calcaneocuboid osteoarthritis. The AOFAS score was determined, registering wound complications, neurological injuries and necessary additional surgeries -such as osteosynthesis and subtalar arthrodesis hardware removal. Results: Follow-up time was 30.8 months. The series consisted in 8 women and 42 men. The patients' average age was 39.40±14 years (18-65). There were 40 Sanders type II, 13 type III, and 1 type IV fractures. The AOFAS score was excellent (12 patients), good (25), regular (12), and poor (5). The Böhler angle was 10.8°±10.4° before surgery, and 30.77°±8.24° at the end of follow-up (p<0.00001). 3.7% of the patients presented minor wound complications, while 5.6% presented major wound complications. Conclusion: The sinus tarsi approach allows for acceptable reduction with good and excellent outcomes in most patients, coupled with few soft-tissue complications. Level of Evidence: IV

Adult , Calcaneus/injuries , Fractures, Bone
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1415756


Introducción: El adecuado tratamiento de los defectos óseos se presenta como un desafío para el cirujano ortopedista, en cuanto a la dificultad en la restitución de un miembro alineado, sin discrepancia ni infección. Se han descrito múltiples técnicas para reconstruir estos defectos, como el injerto óseo autólogo o de banco, la técnica de membrana inducida, la osteogénesis por distracción y los cilindros de titanio trabecular, pero ninguna ha demostrado ser significativamente superior a otra. materiales y métodos: Entre 2018 y 2021, 10 pacientes con defectos óseos de la tibia fueron tratados mediante transporte óseo guiado con osteosíntesis endomedular. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo descriptivo analizando la magnitud de los defectos, el tiempo de transporte, las complicaciones y cirugías adicionales durante el proceso, si hubo consolidación y las deformidades residuales. Al final del proceso, se midió el puntaje de la ASAMI (óseo y funcional). Resultados: La longitud promedio de los defectos tratados fue de 9,75 cm y el índice de fijación externa promedio, de 40,62 días/cm. El 50% tenía un puntaje de la ASAMI óseo bueno; el 10%, excelente y el 40%, pobre al final del proceso reconstructivo. El 20% tenía un puntaje de la ASAMI funcional excelente; el 30%, bueno y el 50%, pobre. Conclusiones: El uso de tutores externos guiados mediante osteosíntesis es un método fiable para tratar defectos óseos, al mismo tiempo que se trata la infección de manera local y sistémica, acortando los tiempos de tutor externo y, por lo tanto, de internación y reintervención. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Introduction: The proper treatment of bone defects represents a challenge for the orthopedic surgeon given the difficulty in restoring limb alignment without discrepancy nor infections. Multiple techniques have been described for the reconstruction of these defects. These include bone grafting, whether autologous or from a bank, the induced membrane technique, distraction osteogenesis, and, recently, the use of trabecular titanium cylinders, but none has been shown to be significantly superior to another. materials and methods: Between 2018 and 2021, ten patients with tibial bone defects were treated by guided bone transport with intramedullary osteosynthesis. We carried out a descriptive retrospective study of this series, analyzing the magnitude of the defects, the transport time, the complications and additional surgeries that took place during the process, whether there was con-solidation, and the residual deformities. The bone and functional ASAMI scores were measured at the end of the process. Results: The average length of the treated defects was 9.75 cm and the average external fixation index was 40.62 d/cm. At the end of the reconstructive process, 50% of the patients presented a good bone ASAMI score, 10% presented an excellent score, and 40% had a poor score. Regarding the functional ASAMI score, 20% were excellent, 30% were good, and 50% were poor. Conclusion: The use of fixators guided by intramedullary nails constitutes a reliable method to treat bone defects that allows treating the infection locally and systemically, shortens the times of external fixation and hospitalization, and reduces the need for reinterventions. Level of Evidence: IV

Adult , External Fixators , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Debridement , Fractures, Bone
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1415758


Las luxaciones del escafoides aisladas y sin fractura son poco frecuentes. Por lo general, se presentan asociadas a fracturas del escafoides o a diversos patrones de lesión de la columna lateral. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con luxación medial y plantar del hueso navicular y fractura conminuta del proceso anterior del calcáneo y subluxación calcaneocuboidea. En el Servicio de Urgencia, se procedió a la reducción cerrada y la estabilización con agujas de Kirschner y, como tratamiento diferido, se colocaron placas en puente astragalonaviculo-cuneiforme y calcaneocuboidea de 2,0 mm, en forma transitoria, y el material de osteosíntesis se retiró a los 5 meses. El puntaje de la escala de la AOFAS fue excelente al año de seguimiento. Conclusiones: Es necesario llegar a un diagnóstico adecuado descartando lesiones de la columna lateral y reducir esta lesión en la atención de urgencia. La estabilización con placas en puente es una opción válida que podría evitar la pérdida de la reducción que se observa al retirar los clavos de Kirschner y permite una carga precoz. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Isolated navicular dislocations are unusual. They are frequently associated with navicular fractures or diverse patterns of lateral column injuries. We report a case of a patient with medial and plantar navicular dislocation with a comminuted intra-articular fracture of the anterior process of the calcaneus and associated subluxation at the calcaneocuboid joint. The patient underwent closed reduction and Kirschner wire stabilization in the Emergency Service. As part of the deferred treatment, talonavicular-cuneiform and calcaneocuboid 2.0 mm bridge plates were temporarily placed and osteosynthesis material was removed 5 months later. The AO-FAS score was excellent in the one-year follow-up. Conclusion: An accurate diagnosis, ruling out lateral column injuries, should be done in the Emergency Service. Bridge plate stabilization is a valid option to prevent loss of reduction, which is observed when removing Kirschner wires, allowing early weight-bearing. Level of Evidence: IV

Calcaneus , Scaphoid Bone , Foot Joints , Joint Dislocations , Fractures, Bone
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e250311, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422425


Este artigo é um relato de experiência cujo objetivo é refletir sobre a atuação de uma psicóloga no contexto da urgência e emergência no hospital a partir da psicologia jungiana. Utilizou-se como método o recurso da sistematização da experiência, que consiste em sua interpretação crítica, cujo foco é o ordenamento e a reconstrução das experiências para explicitar a lógica do processo vivido. Por meio da reflexão de situações clínicas foi possível proporcionar um lugar para a subjetividade diante do disruptivo e da objetividade institucional do hospital. Teoricamente, o texto descreve as experiências de atendimento hospitalar, espaço em que urge o inesperado e o desconhecido. Aposta-se no simbolismo como movimento da psique para lidar com aquilo que o sujeito ainda não pode nomear, significar, incluindo a vulnerabilidade, as perdas e a questão da morte e do luto, este entendido como a ruptura de um vínculo. Dessa forma, a psicologia analítica se volta para como a entrada no hospital e a fugacidade do contexto de urgência e emergência afetam a psique dos sujeitos atendidos e de que forma esse psiquismo reage às vivências disruptivas e inesperadas.(AU)

This work is an experience report whose objective is to reflect on the role of a psychologist in the context of urgency and emergency in the hospital from the perspective of Jungian psychology. The resource of systematization of the experience was used as method, which consists of a critical interpretation, whose focus is the ordering and reconstruction of experiences to explain the logic of the process experienced. With the reflection of clinical situations, it was possible to provide a place for subjectivity in the face of the disruptive and the institutional objectivity of the hospital. Theoretically, the text describes the experience of entry in a hospital, a place in which the unexpected and the unknown are faced. We believe on symbolism as a movement of the psyche to deal with what the patient cannot yet name or give a meaning, including vulnerability, losses, and the issue of death and grief, this last one understood as the rupture of a link. Thus, analytical psychology will focus on how the entry in a hospital and the fleetingness of the emergency context affect the psyche of the patients and how this psyche reacts to the disruptive and unexpected experiences.(AU)

Este reporte de experiencia pretende reflejar sobre el papel de una psicóloga en el contexto de urgencia y emergencia en el hospital desde la perspectiva de la psicología junguiana. El método utilizado fue el recurso de sistematización de la experiencia, que consiste en una interpretación crítica, cuyo enfoque es el ordenamiento y reconstrucción de experiencias para explicar la lógica del proceso vivido. A partir del reflejo de situaciones clínicas se logró dar lugar a la subjetividad frente a la objetividad institucional del hospital. Teóricamente se describen las vivencias en la atención hospitalaria, un espacio donde se encuentra lo inesperado y lo desconocido. Se considera el simbolismo como un movimiento de la psique para lidiar con lo que el sujeto aún no puede nombrar, incluidas la vulnerabilidad, las pérdidas y el tema de la muerte y el dolor, este último comprendido como un quiebre del vínculo. De esta manera, la psicología analítica se centrará en cómo la admisión al hospital y la fugacidad del contexto de emergencia afectan la psique de los sujetos atendidos y cómo esta psique reacciona a estas experiencias disruptivas e inesperadas.(AU)

Humans , Psychology , Psychology, Medical , Emergencies , Anxiety , Psychophysiology , Social Problems , Sociology , Suicide, Attempted , Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms , Therapeutics , Violence , Wounds and Injuries , Behavioral Sciences , Burns , Family , Individual Diseases , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Personal Autonomy , Death , Diagnosis , Emergency Medical Services , Empathy , User Embracement , Fractures, Bone , Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services , Resilience, Psychological , Ambulatory Care , Clinical Observation Units , Posttraumatic Growth, Psychological , Sadness , Cognitive Psychology , Happiness , Amputation, Surgical , Abdominal Injuries , Individuation , Intensive Care Units
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1420056


Las fracturas acetabulares con compromiso del cartílago trirradiado (CTR) en pacientes pediátricos son muy poco frecuentes, difíciles de diagnosticar y complejas de tratar; pudiendo dejar graves secuelas. Generalmente son producto de accidentes de tránsito de alta energía cinética. Debido a su baja prevalencia no hay grandes series en la bibliografía y por ende tampoco existe un consenso terapéutico. Realizamos una puesta a punto del tema a propósito de un atípico caso de una niña de 9 años con una fractura del acetábulo con compromiso del CTR, producido por un traumatismo de baja energía cinética. Registramos su diagnóstico y tratamiento quirúrgico, evaluamos su resultado clínico - radiológico y funcional mediante el Hip Harris Score (HHS) al final de su seguimiento de 5 años.

Acetabular fractures with compromise of the triradiate cartilage (TRC) in pediatric patients are very rare, difficult to diagnose and complex to treat, also can leave serious consequences. They are generally product of high energy kinematics. Due to its low prevalence, there are no large series in the literature and therefore there is no therapeutic consensus. We carried out a recapitulation of the subject regarding an atypical case of a 9-year-old girl with an acetabulum fracture with compromise of the TRC, produced by a low kinetic energy trauma. We recorded the diagnosis and surgical treatment, and also, we evaluated the clinical-radiological and functional results through the Hip Harris Score (HHS) at the end of their 5-year follow-up.

As fraturas acetabulares com compromisso da cartilagem trirradiada (TRC) em pacientes pediátricos são muito poco frecuentes, de difícil diagnóstico e complexas de tratar; e podem deixar sérias consequências. Geralmente são o produto de acidentes de trânsito de alta energia cinética. Devido à sua baixa prevalência, não há grandes séries na literatura e, portanto, não há consenso terapêutico. Realizamos uma atualização do tema referente a um caso atípico de uma menina de 9 anos com fratura de acetábulo com comprometimento do CTR, produzida por um trauma de baixa energia cinética. Registramos seu diagnóstico e tratamento cirúrgico, avaliamos seus resultados clínico-radiológicos e funcionais por meio do Hip Harris Score (HHS) ao final de seu seguimento de 5 anos.

Humans , Female , Child , Acetabulum/surgery , Acetabulum/injuries , Treatment Outcome , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Fractures, Bone/diagnostic imaging , Fracture Fixation
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1510269


As quedas em idosos representam um importante problema de saúde pública devido à associação com a morbimortalidade. Objetivos: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico de idosos com fratura de fêmur proximal, bem como associar o tempo de espera para a cirurgia e os desfechos clínicos com as variáveis físico-funcionais. Métodos: Estudo transversal analítico, de idosos com fratura de fêmur proximal de origem traumática. Os aspectos físico-funcionais foram avaliados pelo Índice de Barthel, Escala de Lawton, Medical Research Council e Dinamometria de Força de Preensão Palmar em dois momentos distintos, admissão e alta hospitalar. Foi realizado análise estatística descritiva e inferencial adotando-se p<0,05. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 64 indivíduos, sendo 48 (75%) do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 77,8 anos (±8,73). Os pacientes com maior dependência funcional no Índice de Barthel na admissão (U= 282,000; p<0,05) e na alta hospitalar (U= 248,000; p<0,05) aguardaram mais tempo para o procedimento cirúrgico. O principal desfecho foi a alta, de 55 pacientes (85,9%), no entanto aqueles que evoluíram a óbito apresentaram piores pontuações na Escala de Lawton (t(62)= -2,060; p<0,05) e no Índice de Barthel (U= 145,500; p<0,05) no momento da admissão. Conclusão: O perfil de idosos com fratura de fêmur proximal são mulheres, na transição para a oitava década de vida, vítimas de queda da própria altura. Idosos com maior dependência funcional aguardaram mais tempo para a cirurgia e apresentaram piores desfechos

Falls in the elderly represent an important public health problem due to the association with morbidity and mortality. Objectives: To describe the epidemiological profile of elderly people with proximal femur fractures, as well as to associate the waiting time for surgery and clinical outcomes with physical-functional variables. Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study of elderly patients with fractures of the proximal femur of traumatic origin. Sociodemographic, trauma and clinical information were obtained via electronic medical records. The physical-functional aspects were assessed using the Barthel Index, Lawton Scale, Medical Research Council and Hand Grip Strength at two different times, admission and hospital discharge. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was performed, adopting p<0.05. Results: The sample consisted of 64 individuals, 48 (75.0%) of which were female, with a mean age of 77.8 years (±8.73). The median waiting time for surgery was 12 (8-15) days. Patients with greater functional dependence on the Barthel Index at admission (U= 282.000; p<0.05) and at hospital discharge (U= 248.000; p<0.05) waited longer for the surgical procedure. The main outcome was discharge 55 (85.9%), however, patients who evolved to death had worse scores on the Lawton Scale (t(62)= -2.060; p<0.05) and on the Barthel Index (U = 145.500; p<0.05) at admission. Conclusion: The profile of elderly people with proximal femur fractures are women, in the transition to the eighth decade of life, victims of a fall from their own height. Elderly people with greater functional dependence waited longer for surgery and had worse outcomes

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Fractures, Bone/epidemiology , Functional Status , General Surgery/organization & administration , Health Profile , Accidental Falls , Cross-Sectional Studies